Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

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The OctopodiCon Wrap-Up Post
Now that I'm seeing just a little bit better, I can sit down and write about last weekend.

This was the first year for OctopodiCon, and it was a small, but enthusiastic convention. I know they're learning from their hiccups.

My traveling companion (thanks for driving, Robyn!) and I got there a little before 2:00 on Friday and got checked in and I was able to get my items up in the art show in time for my first p...
10/11/2012 1:41:28 PM
Today's Amazingly Sweet Deal
A LeatherCult Military Jacket.


I'll be wearing it to the Steampunk On A Budget panel Sunday at Octopodicon. At that point, if you ply me with enough tea, I just might tell you what I paid fo...
10/1/2012 4:41:23 PM
My OctopodiCon Schedule
Here's what I'll be doing at OctopodiCon this weekend: 

Friday, 3:00, Rudolf Diesel: Steampunk Clothing Construction 
Steampunk clothing often involves leather and metal bits, ornamental widgets, and paint. Learn tips and suggestions on how to support the things added to your clothing to make it steampunk, whether your base is Victorian, Asian, Western, or even modern. (With Kathleen O’Brien, Jennife...
9/30/2012 1:16:26 PM
Continuing to Update the Amazon/BookSurge Story

You'll find updates here.

And now the story has been slashdotted.

Now that I've had some time to digest this news, I have mixed feelings. Most folks who buy books from small publishers and self-publishers will go where the publisher or author tells them to go. On the other hand, Amazon is the 500-pound gorilla in the online bookselling world. Borders is powered ...

3/30/2008 11:17:41 AM
Amazon Sticks it to Some POD Publishers

(Note: I'll update this story as I get more information. Updates will be at the bottom, or click the link in the previous sentence.)

Amazon.com seems to be giving the brush-off to Print On Demand publishers that do not use their BookSurge service. Writers Weekly (their publisher also also owns POD press BookLocker.com) has this to say on the topic.

3/28/2008 9:49:33 AM
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The OctopodiCon Wrap-Up Post
10/11/2012 1:41:28 PM

Today's Amazingly Sweet Deal
10/1/2012 4:41:23 PM

My OctopodiCon Schedule
9/30/2012 1:16:26 PM

Continuing to Update the Amazon/BookSurge Story
3/30/2008 11:17:41 AM

Amazon Sticks it to Some POD Publishers
3/28/2008 9:49:33 AM

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FenCon XX
2/14/2025  - 2/16/2025
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