Gravatar deslily said:
wow thanks Julie.. I didn't know that AC Crispin had a blog! I saw her at a Trek con a time or two... loved her first ST book lol.. It's nice they take the time to help forthcoming authors!! So many are ready to take advange of others no matter who or what they are.
Date: 2/16/2007 7:55:01 AM

Gravatar julie said:
The SFWA Writer Beware project does some good work - and they help anyone, no matter whether they write SF or not. They also hang out on Absolute Write (linked from the main journal page).
Date: 2/16/2007 8:01:07 AM

Gravatar deslily said:
wow thanks Julie.. I didn't know that AC Crispin had a blog! I saw her at a Trek con a time or two... loved her first ST book lol.. It's nice they take the time to help forthcoming authors!! So many are ready to take advange of others no matter who or what they are.
Date: 2/16/2007 7:55:01 AM

Gravatar julie said:
The SFWA Writer Beware project does some good work - and they help anyone, no matter whether they write SF or not. They also hang out on Absolute Write (linked from the main journal page).
Date: 2/16/2007 8:01:07 AM


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