Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Playing catch-up

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Tuesday, August 7, 2007

I started an entry yesterday afternoon and then got terribly distracted. Too many things going on this week. So what else is new?

Part of our recent escapades have involved tracking down textbooks. Those of you who have been to college (or have kids who have been) know the process of buying textbooks compares slightly favorably to having not coals shoved into various orifices. Chris and I spent Sunday night tracking down as many used books as we could. He's off to the off-campus, slightly off-price bookstore to pick up the rest.

Friday night I shot a little video with the cell phone, then discovered that I had typed in my e-mail address wrong when I registered for my vimeo account. Dang. I dropped them a line and asked if they could possibly fix things, and much to my surprise they did. Amazing. So here ya go:

A catblog from barrettmanor and Vimeo.

I've also heard back from coComment. They've been helpful in providing some new code so I can try their service one more time. That's my next project for the day.

And I finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Since the guys read this journal I won't give anything away. I did enjoy it.

Sorry this is short, but I do need to dig back into things.

Filed under: Life            


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deslily said:
LOL Midnight wanted "out"!! lol..too cute! I finished HP too (just the other day).. good book! I already miss looking forward to more!
Date: 8/11/2007 7:28:51 AM Date: 8/11/2007 7:28:51 AM

deslily said:
LOL Midnight wanted "out"!! lol..too cute! I finished HP too (just the other day).. good book! I already miss looking forward to more!
Date: 8/11/2007 7:28:51 AM Date: 8/11/2007 7:28:51 AM

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