Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Monday Mumblings

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Monday, September 17, 2007

Or, perhaps, an entire week's worth of mumblings.

I'm still pretty well swamped with FenCon and other deadlines. Running the programming has been a real challenge. I have this feeling that I've probably terribly offended someone with my choice of panel assignments. This brings me to why I'm awake at 2:30 in the morning. I had a dream that I was being chased by disgruntled con guests. Could be worse: I suppose I could have had dream.

Lots of catching up to do, and no time in which to do it. Let's see: Bills, taxes, a photo shoot, work for a client, and the next round of convention schedule changes.

The Emmys were disappointing as usual. No, I really, honestly didn't expect either Hugh Laurie or House to win. But James Spader? Again? I guess the vote split and he won. I was glad Helen Mirren and Prime Suspect took home some awards, though. And Sally Field. Oy. I agree with the sentiment, but *%&$.

I've been gratified to see the votes and comments on the sewing machine picture I submitted to JPG Magazine. You can see a thumbnail on the right-hand side of the blog page. I am, of course, fully cognizant of the fact that while it seems like a lot of votes and comments to me, that the picture still may not be good enough for publication. Just flipping through the other entries has been an education, though, so it isn't like I lose if I lose. As if that makes any sense at all.

Oh, well. Perhaps that's a clue that I ought to try and get some sleep. Or will, once I take care of the e-mail that just landed in my inbox.

Filed under: Life            


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