Round Robin Photo Challenge
Fresh when it gets here from
Julie Barrett
Monday, January 12, 2009
This challenge is "Camera Resolutions." The idea isn't to show off your megapixels, but to make some resolutions about things to shoot. Do one, and share the other two for their idea bank.
Okay. First up, "In The Corner." Shoot something in the corner of a
room. Perhaps you'll find something more interesting than the dust
bunnies that tend to lurk in mine. Here's what I came up with:

Exciting stuff. This is a corner of my living room. You can see some of our eclectic interests. The painting is from a Blue Man Group concert we attended ten or so years ago in NY.
Two more ideas. Hmm.
"Light Moves." Take a picture that shows the quality of the light. By that I mean the hues of a sunset, water reflected on water, refracted light, something interesting with light.
"Weather." Not just your average bit o' fluffy clouds here - try for something unusual or extreme. Obviously, it's okay to dip into the archives for this one. Mother Nature doesn't cooperate with deadlines.
Here's the linking list, and darn near everyone has posted but me. Better late than never, eh?
Steven - Posted! (sometimes)photoblog
Karen - Posted! Outpost Mâvarin
Monica - Posted! Photographer's Choice
Terri - Posted! Ways I See the World
gina Gina's Space
Linda - Posted! Mommy's Treasures
Connie - Posted! Far Side of Fifty Photos
Nancy - Posted! 01/11/09 Nancy Luvs Pix
marina - Posted! milepebbles
Annie - Posted! Pictures of Craziness
Sherrie - Posted! SHERRIE'S STUFF
Julie Julie's Web Journal
Gattina - Posted! KEYHOLE PICTURES
Wammy The Ellis Family Cincinnati
Vicki - Posted! Maraca
Suzanne R - Posted! SuzyQ421's Photo Blog
Kathy ***Welcome, New Member!*** Posted! Through the Viewfinder
Carly - Posted! Ellipsis
Tags: Pictures, Round Robin Photo
Filed under: Pictures Round Robin Photo
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Karen Funk Blocher said: I like your corner idea especially, and the corner you show is fascinating! I'd love to know more about the Lindburgh clipping.
And of course I love taking pictures of weather - when there is any!
Thanks for playing catch-up on the memes.
Date: 1/12/2009 4:57:14 PM
Date: 1/12/2009 4:57:14 PM
Karen Funk Blocher said: I like your corner idea especially, and the corner you show is fascinating! I'd love to know more about the Lindburgh clipping.
And of course I love taking pictures of weather - when there is any!
Thanks for playing catch-up on the memes.
Date: 1/12/2009 4:57:14 PM
Date: 1/12/2009 4:57:14 PM