Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

What a fun day

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Nothing accomplished today, but it's Wednesday. And we had power outages.

The heat is on again in North Texas, and I was considering turning off the lights in the office when the lights in the house began to flicker - in time with a series of loud noises outdoors. This could not be good I thought, as the lights flickered off. I finished posting a comment to a web site (thanks to the various battery backups we have) and shut things down. Chris said he looked out the patio door and saw sparks in the alley. Then the power returned. About ten minutes after I got the computer up and running again and recovered a couple of files, the power abruptly went off. So I saved my work, shut the computer down (still had power enough in the backup. Amazing) and we looked out the back. This time, the Oncor truck was there, and they were trimming trees. Fair play to them, they worked quickly and had the power back on in a little over twenty minutes.

By then the house was broiling, and I fired the computer back up - only to see that we were under a severe thunderstorm watch. Sure enough, a glance at the radar online showed a bright, angry looking red spot marching down from Oklahoma over the Red River. Paul had taken his bike to work, so I dropped him a fast line. He got home and we made it to bowling before the rain hit.

So there went my afternoon. Not quite. All that happened AFTER another round of university bookstore trips. Today's bounty, a chemistry workbook that must be made of the element AU, given the price.

Bowling tonight was fun. We were two team members short due to illness (get better soon, ladies!), and got clobbered. Paul had a 214 one game, and I had an amazing night. I think my low game was 181 and my high game 194. I was a happy camper in that regard.

So I've caught up on a few things and now plan to slink back to book and bed. Hope tomorrow is calm. I need to get started on a job for a client.


Filed under: Life            


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