2010: Same Old Same Old
Fresh when it gets here from
Julie Barrett
Friday, January 8, 2010
"People never change," is one of my favorite House-isms. And it certainly proved true this week.
This is one reason I don't do resolutions. Why should I change when no one else changes?
I spent the last two days waiting on phone calls and e-mails so I could move forward. I'd worked very hard to make a hole in my schedule so I could devote time to starting a new project for an existing client next week. I'd planned to get enough stuff on one project out of the way so I could spend three or four days getting the next thing off of the ground instead of putting out fires.
But no.
Oh, I could go on, but why bother? It's the weekend and there's a bottle of wine calling my name. "Juuulieeee...")
Enjoy your weekend.
Tags: Life
Filed under: Life
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