Fresh when it gets here from
Julie Barrett
Friday, September 7, 2012
ChiCon 7 was loads of fun, but I'm still recovering. And with FenCon around the corner and Octopodicon after that, it's going to be busy.
Still, it was great to get away. Here's a brief day-by-day rundown with LOTS of pictures. You can click through any that say (Flickr) for a larger version:
Wednesday: Arrived in Chicago after two flights. In Memphis I discovered the Elvis had well and truly left the building:
Made it to Chicago and went out to eat with some of the FenCon crew. Shot this a block from the Hyatt:
Tall buildings are tall.
Then went out to shoot a few pictures at twilight. This is Trump Tower:

Thursday night the convention had a first night party at the Adler Planetarium:

Here is one skyline shot from the observation deck:

Saturday morning I went on one of the organized strolls through downtown, and met up with Lorraine Anderson, an old pal from the QL fanzine days. It was great to see her. Here are a few shots:

This is the tower of the Chicago Tribune building. It's an amazing piece of Gothic architecture.

A gargoyle.

The interestingly-named London Guarantee And Accident Building. I think it dates to 1923.
And here's the Wrigley building at night:

Saturday morning I attended the SFWA business meeting and did the Dealer Room. Several times. (The room, not the meeting.) Shopped for the FenCon party, and helped set up for the LoneStarCon3 party and then helped run the FenCon party. Whee!
The highlight of the dealer room was David Malki ! of Wondermark!.

Yes, I had him do a drawing! I'll post that at another time, when I can get the scanner fired up. He's a very cool guy and does a hilarious Stan Lee impersonation. I also sat through part of a book cover design panel that he was on. If you ever get the chance to see him at a convention, go see him. And pay the money (only five or ten bucks) to get a drawing done.
Sunday! Sunday! was Hugo day. I was sequestered in the main ballroom for most of the day. But look! Rockets!
If you got to watch the truncated stream, I was the escort for the Best Fan Writer award. Ustream will repeat the ceremony in its entirety this coming Sunday. You can also see me escort the Best Graphic Novel award. (Chicon did everything right as far as I can tell. The problems were not their fault.)
Because of my involvement with the ceremony (I'm running it at LoneStarCon3 next year), I also got to attend the reception and the Losers Party. Hey, those were fun.
Friday, I flew home. and boy, are my arms still tired.
I did indeed have a grand time, and am looking forward to next year. But now, I need some rest!
Enjoy your weekend!