Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

Ice Storm

Fresh when it gets here from Julie Barrett
Friday, December 6, 2013

Well, the promised ice storm did arrive. We still have power, but there are over 250,000 without. Temperature on the front porch right now is 26.2F, and although the precipitation has stopped, the roads are going to freeze over again once traffic lets up. At least at this point the precipitation for tomorrow night is out of the forecast, and it should get into the upper 30's on Sunday. Tonight, though: 16F. Brrr!

So here are some pictures:


Through the screen door to the street. As you can see, branches are down in the median and a tree across the street. I heard a chainsaw a little while ago. Someone is brave. ;-) We had a few dead bits come off of the big tree in the front yard as you may be able to see, but so far no problems. 


Looking skyward from the back door. Lotsa ice.


Out the kitchen window. That rose bush is a little cold.

Stay warm!

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