Julie Barrett is a freelance writer and photographer based in Plano, TX.

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ConDFW Wrap-up, plus bonus housekeeping!
Had a grand time at ConDFW this past weekend. The panels were fun, and I made a little money at my table. Of course, I saw many old friends and made a few new ones.

I was sorry Charlaine Harris couldn't make it, but I do wish her the best. I'm sure she'd rather have been at a con than having her gallbladder out.

My one bit of "fun" happened on the way home. Someone ahead of me in a left turn lane suddenly backed up and stepped on the gas. I narrowly avoi...
2/20/2018 3:58:56 PM
My ConDFW Schedule
Here is my panel schedule for ConDFW this weekend. You can also catch me in the Dealer's Room. Steam Cat and Whispering Leaf will be sharing a table.


3:00 PM, Programming 2: Brass Technology and Steam Power
The genre of Steampunk has always featured unlikely brass gadgets and powered by steam. Whether realistic or fanciful,these gadgets define a look which is unique for both costumers and writers. We g...
2/7/2017 9:52:54 AM
My ConDFW Schedule
Apologies for the lack of posting. Just got recovered from Sci-Fi Expo and then came down with the stomach virus that's going around. Feeling better today, though. If I was going to get sick, I'm glad to get it out of the way before a convention, and I'm sure they're glad, too! There are just some types of "joy" that should not be spread.

So, ConDFW is this weekend. It's shaping up to be a great convention, so do come out and say hi. Stick a...
2/17/2014 6:22:47 PM
My ConDFW Schedule
ConDFW has now released their final schedule, so I can share:

4:00 PM: Selling Yourself for Fun and Profit, with Peggy Dee, Taylor Anderson, and Gloria Oliver. 

11:00 AM: Writing and Publishing Anthologies, with Kevin Hosey, Larry Atchley, Jr., Tom Knowles and Selina Rosen

3:00 PM: From Short Story to Film, with Anthony Brownrigg, Ethan N...
2/14/2013 10:46:54 AM
ConDFW Report
I'm finally just about recovered from the (not the con) crud, so I should be coherent enough to write up something about the weekend.

Friday's panel was "Creating the Scene: How to Set the Stage in a Play." They found a couple of folks to sit in with the usual suspects, which brought some different perspectives to their scriptwriting panel. Different perspectives are always good.

Friday evening I had dinner with Mel. White and then headed upstairs to t...
2/22/2012 3:09:22 PM
Monday Mumblings Is Under The Weather
I had a great time at ConDFW. I need to do a recap. Give me a day or two or three. 

Woke up this morning not feeling well at all and went back to bed after an hour or so. I finally started to move around about 1:00 and took a shower about 3:00. The worst part of it was that Paul had the day off and I didn't get to spend much time with him at all.

Both regular readers will recall my oft-repeated phrase: If I don't take some time for myself when I'm...
2/20/2012 8:29:17 PM
My ConDFW Schedule
This, of course, is subject to change, but here is my schedule for this weekend at ConDFW: 

Friday 6 pm, Canterbury - Creating the scene: How to Set the Stage in a Play. With David Gray (M), Gloria Oliver, Anthony Brownrigg, Ethan Nahte, and Sue Sinor.

Saturday 1 pm, Manchester - Leaving Clues in Mysteries. With Teresa Patterson (M), Rhonda Eudaly, P.N. Elrod, and Bill Crider.

Saturday 5 pm, Manchester - Flying the Friendl...
2/14/2012 7:43:22 PM
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ConDFW Wrap-up, plus bonus housekeeping!
2/20/2018 3:58:56 PM

My ConDFW Schedule
2/7/2017 9:52:54 AM

My ConDFW Schedule
2/17/2014 6:22:47 PM

My ConDFW Schedule
2/14/2013 10:46:54 AM

ConDFW Report
2/22/2012 3:09:22 PM

Monday Mumblings Is Under The Weather
2/20/2012 8:29:17 PM

My ConDFW Schedule
2/14/2012 7:43:22 PM

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2/14/2025  - 2/16/2025
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