Weekend Assignment: The Art of Packing
When you go on a trip, do you travel light, or try to make sure you have everything you might conceivably need? Specifically, what do you bring along by way of electronics?
We learned our lesson about packing the first time we went to the UK and ended up dragging several bags from Victoria Station to our hotel just a few blocks away. Never again, we said. We haven't gone so far as to pac...
2/10/2011 11:35:24 PM
Weekend Assignment: Brrr!
In much of the U.S. and Europe, this winter has been an especially cold and snowy one. How cold has it been where you live? Have recent weather conditions led to any unusual situations locally?
I've been blogging about the unusual weather here all week, but I'll some it all up here.
There's a saying in Texas: "If you don't like the weather, wait a few minutes." I would add "except for the s...
2/3/2011 10:49:25 PM
Weekend Assignment: Party Hardy or Party Hardly?
This is the time of year for office parties, family reunions, New Year's Eve parties and holiday parties in general. Are you a party animal or a party avoider? Do you go to parties because you want to, or out of obligation, or not at all?
I work in an office of one, and every day is party day!
If you believe that, perhaps you'd be interested in this deed to the Brooklyn Bridge. On...
12/17/2010 8:57:02 AM
Weekend Assignment: Holiday Shopper
Ack! The holiday shopping season is upon us! What is your shopping strategy for this time of year? Do you spread out your shopping over weeks and months, or try to get it all done at once? Do you mostly shop online or in person? How heavily, if at all, do you rely on gift cards, gift certificates or plain old fashioned cash and checks?
I prefer to shop in person, particularly for things...
11/26/2010 3:10:41 PM
Weekend Assignment: Read It Again
Some people like to read a book once, and then they're done. The plot is resolved and they know whodunnit, so it's time to move on to the next book. Other people reread a favorite book every few years, and still others keep it on their shelves in case they may want to read it again someday. Are you a frequent re-reader, an occasional one, or are you "one and done"? How do you decide what to reread, ...
11/5/2010 1:08:14 AM
Weekend Assignment: History
We don't all live near the site of a battlefield or other world-famous event, but any place has its own history: political, cultural, even natural history. How aware are you of the past of the town, city or state where you live now? Share with us a story of local history.
My "procrastination mode" is your gain, Karen! I'm home from setting up for FenCon, and am dead tired. But I still need to ...
9/15/2010 10:17:17 PM
Weekend Assignment:: The SCOTUS Choice
Recently, Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens announced that he will retire, at the end of his term, later this year, leaving the position open to be filled by President Obama. As you know, Obama has chosen Elena Kagen as his nominee. I would like to hear your thoughts about this. Good choice? Bad choice? Indifferent? Who would you like to see appointed to the high court? Are you happy with...
5/27/2010 8:31:59 AM
Weekend Assignment: The Thief of Time
It seems that we're all too busy these days to get around to everything we'd like to do, even if we had the money and means to do them. Is there a particular activity that takes up far too much of your time, and thus prevents you from getting around to other things?
I'm afraid this is going to be a fairly mundane answer. I've been so busy with one thing and another that there's no one thi...
4/27/2010 9:44:34 AM
Weekend Assignment: Meet a Fictional Character
Through some miracle of colliding realities, you have the opportunity to meet a fictional character, face to face. Which character would you most like to meet, and why?
This one required some serious thought. I went through a list:
- The Doctor. Mmm. Spoilers. Nah.
- Sherlock Holmes. An utterly fascinating character, but like his current incarnation Gregory House, I'm not sur
4/2/2010 10:34:08 AM
Weekend Assignment: Eight Days a Week
Common wisdom, these days, backed up by actual statistics if I had time to look them up, tells us that as a nation we've been working harder in recent years just to maintain the same level of financial solvency. Recession-related unemployment and u8nderemployment aside, do you find this is true for your family?
I work long hours for very little pay. Yes, I'm a creative.
And this ...
2/19/2010 12:21:32 PM